Extra Life

SKU: PR560228



Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780593538951
Format: Trade paperback (UK)
Year: 2021
Publisher: Penguin Group USA
Pages: 320

As featured in The New York Times Magazine, and on an upcoming PBS documentary series- the surprising and important story of how humans gained what amounts to an extra life, from the bestselling author of How We Got to Now and Where Good Ideas Come From.

As a species we have doubled our life expectancy in just one hundred years. All the advances of modern life-the medical breakthroughs, the public health institutions, the rising standards of living-have given us each about twenty thousand extra days on average. There are few measures of human progress more astonishing than our increased longevity.

This book is Steven Johnson's attempt to understand where that progress came from. How many of those extra twenty thousand days came from vaccines, or the decrease in famines, or seatbelts? What are the forces that now keep us alive longer? Behind each breakthrough lies an inspiring story of cooperative innovation, of brilliant thinkers bolstered by strong systems of public support a

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