Under the Duvet

SKU: PR535831



Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781405934350
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2017
Publisher: Penguin UK
Pages: 704

Places like the Irish air-guitar championships, a shopping trip to Bloomingdales with a difference and Cannes with a chronic case of Villa-itis. Along the way you'll encounter knicker-politics, fake tans, sticky-out ears and passionate love affairs both with make-up and Toblerones. And of course, agony aunt, Mammy Walsh is on hand to solve all your problems.

Hilarious and poignant, down-to-earth and moving, Marian's two collections of journalism - Under the Duvet and Further Under the Duvet - are now available in one volume for the first time. So put the kettle on and grab that Kit Kat Chunky - everything else will wait.

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