South of Forgiveness

SKU: PR534627



Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781925321951
Format: Trade paperback (UK)
Year: 2017
Publisher: Scribe Publications
Pages: 320

Meanwhile in Sydney, Australia; Thomas Stranger, nervously boarded a plane, wondering if he was worthy of this meeting. Is healing possible if you can't fathom forgiving yourself? This journey was not planned in haste. It was the careful result of a written correspondence that had lasted eight years. After covering hundreds of letters with searing honesty in a dialogue between survivor and perpetrator, they decided it was time to see each other face to face. Coming from opposite sides of the globe, their destination was literally middle ground; which happened to be South Africa, known as the "rape capital of the world" due to endemic levels of sexual violence. It's a country deeply scarred by apartheid, bravely seeking to heal the wounds from its past. A powerful weekly backdrop, where their lives will be permanently changed. The story is a non-fiction narrative written under full names and credentials in a unique collaboration between survivor and perpetrator equally committed to shedding light into the dark corners of humanity. It's a true story about being bent but not broken, of facing fear with courage and finding hope even in the most wounded of places.

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