Red Ruby Heart In A Cold Blue Sea

SKU: PR527169



Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781921758966
Format: Trade paperback (UK)
Year: 2012
Publisher: The Text Publishing Company
Pages: 320

Twelve-year-old Florine Gilham lives in a fishing village on the coast of Maine with her parents in what would appear to be an idyllic situation - on the waters in a harbour, where she and her friends run wild in the nearby pine woods and along the rocky shores. But in August of 1963, Carlie, Florine's mother, disappears without a trace, and Florine and her grief-stricken father must move on with their lives, even as the mystery of what might have happened plagues them. Both nurtured and hindered by those she has always known, Florine must find her way to young adulthood while clinging to the hope that her mother will return and her life, as she knew it, will continue. Written in the voice of a feisty young heroine and filled with the dry wit that people on the coast of Maine are famous for, Red Ruby Heart in a Cold Blue Sea is an amazing debut novel written by native Morgan Callan Rogers.

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