Worst. Holiday. Ever

SKU: PR572722



Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780241414781
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2021
Publisher: Penguin UK
Pages: 352

Stan is going on holiday to Italy with his (fifth) best friend Felix and a load of strangers.

Stan is absolutely terrified.

Luckily, his mum's given him an emergency list that includes how to survive a shark attack, and what to do if he gets kidnapped.

Stan thinks that a better list would include how to cope with odd food, and what to do if he accidentally calls Felix's mum 'mum' in front of everybody.

And it soon turns out Italy is full of dangers and things that can go wrong. One thing's for certain, Stan's not going to come back the same boy he left. He just hope he comes back at all . . .

Worst. Holiday. Ever is a story about facing fears, dealing with worries, and how it's OK to be anxious, scared, and sometimes a little bit brave.

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